Inspirational Songs. Music is an amazing form of communication. It can remind us of people, situations, feelings, memories and touch intangible parts of our spirit. Some people always like the same songs no matter what mood they are in. Others, like myself, like music to fit their mood. Below is a list of songs that I find uplifting. This is by no means an absolute list. That would be impossible. Since music speaks to who we are, a song that makes one person feel great may make another cringe.
I encourage you to make your own list of inspirational songs. One that will lift you up when you are down. I found when putting together this list that I came across songs I’d forgotten and it was like finding an old friend. It was great to revisit some songs that have always made me smile and find new ones as well. I hope you find something that speaks to you. Top 10 Songs from Broadway Musicals, Top 15 Songs from Films