Law of AttractionThe law of attraction (LOA) is an amazing theory. It’s been something that searchers have been discussing since the 1970s but has really only reached mass appeal since the release of the book and movie “The Secret”. And while I like the book and movie of the secret, I do think the approach is a little simplistic. If I drop a brick on my foot I’m going to scream from pain. Now the secret might say that I attracted dropping that book on my foot and while I can see that in theory, I’m not sure how realistic it is that bad and difficult things are never going to happen. For those who are new to this theory it is based on like attracts like. This law states that what we think about, talk about, see in our mind’s eye, feel and surround ourselves with. Kind of like a concentrated self-fulfilling prophecy - Ask and you shall receive - Our feelings and emotions create our vibrational energy circuit and the level we vibrate on creates our reality - And Quantum Physics supports the supposition that what we give our attention to creates our reality Some suggest that one of the reasons we don’t automatically manifest the things that we meditate on, vibrate towards, create vision boards about and generally surround ourselves with is because of the conscious and unconscious thoughts and feelings we carry around inside ourselves. I can say from experience that I have found this manifestation process has worked inside my life. But I’ve also found the following to be of great importance in creating success and a more happy sustainable life:
Below I’ve listed some books I’ve found helpful on explaining LOA, focusing LOA on prosperity and implementing LOA in our lives. Books Explaining the Law of Attraction
Books About Implementing this Manifestation Technique In Our Lives
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